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You will be the title sponsor for the tournament. Your advertising will appear in or on all tournament print, email, advertising, website and recognition on social media. You will be recognized as the title sponsor and receive eight tee times, including carts, food & two drinks, breakfast to start the day and advertising at the registration table. Advertising would read as YWAM Fort McMurray's Golf with a Mission Tournament Title Sponsor "YOUR NAME HERE"* 1 available.

Green Fee 

Includes four tee times and carts, food & two beverages, breakfast to start the day, recognition on or in all advertising, and your logo placed on the tournament brochure as a Green Fee Sponsor and recognition as the sponsor of green fees at the prize presentation. 
1 available

Food & Drink Sponsor

Includes four tee times and carts, food & two beverages, breakfast to start the day, recognition on or in all advertising, and your logo placed on the tournament brochure as a Green Fee Sponsor and recognition as the food and drink sponsor at the prize presentation. 
1 available


Includes four entries: tee times and carts, food & two beverages, breakfast to start the day,  and your logo placed on the tournament brochure as a  Sponsor and recognition as the cart sponsor  at the prize presentation. 
One available

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 $2500 Includes four entries: tee times and carts, food & two beverages, breakfast to start the day,  and your logo placed on the tournament brochure as a  Sponsor and recognition as the breakfast sponsor  at the prize presentation. 
One available


$1500  includes: 4 tee times and carts, food & two beverages, breakfast to start the day, and host a hole as a sponsor, as well as placement of your logo at a hole and in the tournament brochure as a hole sponsor.* 
18 available

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